Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Refinancing a Sign of Bad Calculation?

Is refinancing a sign of a bad mortgage calculation? When one make an attempt to refinance their mortgage they are making a point to adjust payments on a monthly basis to extend the terms of the payment and lower the monthly amount of the payments.
Refinancing can benefit the homeowner by allowing the home payments to be paid; refinancing can help the homeowner to maintain ownership of the home by avoiding foreclosure. Many times, the choices offered in refinancing are favourable towards the homeowner.
Refinancing a home can be done regardless of the amount that owes on the mortgage. Whether the homeowner has had their mortgage for one year, or for ten years – there are always refinancing offers available. Some mortgages allow for refinancing to occur every five to ten years as part of the clause.
There are many reasons that homeowners may feel the need to refinance their home. Sometimes, an increase in expenses means that home ownership becomes more expensive. This could happen for a variety of reasons; an illness, other medical problems, an increase in expenses or a job loss. Regardless of the reason, circumstances have the ability to change throughout the term of the mortgage.
So, for this reason – just because refinancing is necessary does not mean that the initial mortgage calculations were wrong, it merely means that there has been a change in circumstances. Many people associate refinancing with negative aspects, when really – it benefits the homeowner by maintaining ownership, and benefits the lending institution because the mortgage payments are not going to go into default.
How do you know when it is time to refinance your mortgage or home loan? First, the sign that it is essential to pay attention to the ability of the homeowner to pay the monthly mortgage payment. With the cuts in jobs and the confusing state of the economy – foreclosure is occurring more than ever! Did you know that foreclosure is occurring at higher rates than ever, but many of these foreclosures could have been avoided by contacting the lender to work out alternative payment schedules?
Foreclosure alternatives are counseled by professionals in their field. There are many alternatives to foreclosure: lowering the interest rate on the loan which can decrease the term, extending the loan over a longer period of time – stretching out the payments will decrease the amount of monthly fees due. Other methods of lowering the monthly payments are; creating a grace period for the homeowner, giving the homeowner time to catch up on the past-due payments.
Using these alternatives, including refinancing, means that more people will be able to keep their homes through the foreclosure crisis that is occurring at this very moment in the economy. Are you having troubles with your home and mortgage payments? Perhaps this could be the time to contact your lender to discuss refinancing options – As a responsible owner, you don’t want to risk the chance of losing one of the most important investments that one is going to make in their lifetime – their home!