Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to spend your economic stimulus check

The government wants you to dump it on things you don’t need, or to finance a huge luxury purchase. That’s exactly what you shouldn’t do.
The best thing you can do with the inflated money is to pay down debt. Start with your highest interest account and dump your check on it. There is no reason to carry debt on 10-20% credit cards when you’ve got cash on hand earning 2.5% at your local bank.
If you’re a part of the small minority with little debt, your next great investment would be in your home. Take the $600 and put it towards things like a low energy furnace or air conditioning unit. As the summer months begin, heating units will be fire sale cheap. This is a great chance to get a good deal on a furnace and possibly benefit from a tax rebate by switching to a low energy unit. For the super saver, consider spending some extra money on new faucet heads or compact fluorescent light bulbs. You’ll cut down your water and electricity usage by a serious amount. CFLs use 75% less energy than their bulbous counterparts while providing the same amount of light, not to mention they last longer as well.
Making an extra mortgage payment would be a wise decision, but don’t do it if your rates are low to begin with. After adjusting for taxes (multiply your rate by 1 minus your marginal tax rate) you probably won’t be getting very good returns.
An emergency fund would be the best solution for anyone who doesn’t have loads of debt. The average family will be getting about $1800 this year, an amount that can go pretty far for an emergency fund starter.
There are a million and a half things you could do with the money, but consuming isn’t one of them. Save the cash and keep it for later, there are always times you could use a bit of extra money.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Self Build Mortgages

Even in today’s market place self build mortgages continue to enable the self build enthusiast to gain a healthy return on their time and money when their particular project is finally completed, even with the current trend on falling house prices a properly managed self build project can end up with a healthy return on investment in the end value of the property against the costs taken to get it there.
For any lender to consider a self-build mortgage/project there are three main considerations that need to “stack up”
1 Cost to purchase or initial value of land or plot,
2 Total funds required and when required
3 End value of the project.
These three factors that would be initially be taken into consideration by any lender considering
lending funds for any such proposition, quite simply if they do not fit the lenders criteria then they will not fund it no matter how keen the self builder is the project.
A self build mortgage differs (amongst other things) from a more traditional mortgage in that the funds are released in stages generally as the build progresses and reaches certain stages, an important point to make at this early stage is that the lender will be guided by the valuer/surveyor comments on all the stage values and not by the self builders estimates. Hence if a plot of land is purchased for £100,000 but the valuer only deems it to be worth £90,000 then that is the figure that the lender will work from, this would also apply to both the end value and the value of the project through its various stages of build.
A self build mortgage is also different from a traditional mortgage in that you only pay the lender the monthly payment for the particular amount drawn down at a particular time, hence if you have been offered a mortgage for £100,000 but have only drawn down £35,000 then you only pay for borrowing the £35,000 until you draw down more funds.
There are two main ways to fund a self build mortgage the first is the arrears based route which is generally direct to the lender (normally 25% deposit required) or the advanced accelerator system which would be going via a specialist packager, at this initial stage it worth seeking professional advice from a specialist mortgage broker on which way would best suit your particular circumstances.
The main difference between the two types are with the arrears based scheme the funds are released after each building stage is completed where as with the advanced accelerator scheme funds can be released prior to the start of the first stage, as always in life there comes a penalty (in additional charges) for the privilege of the advanced payment system however it can allow for a lower initial deposit. Again before deciding on which system could suit your needs the best speak to a specialist self build mortgage broker particularly one that has access to the whole of market.
Some lenders have bespoke mortgages for their self build clients while others can give access to their normal product range but on a self build basis, as to which one is best depends on the applicants circumstances and possibly the length the mortgage will be required for. A short term self build client may want a slightly higher type of rate but with no financial tie so they can remortgage to a more traditional mortgage when finished, where as a longer term self build client may prefer a lower fixed term rate and be happy being tied in bit controlling their monthly payment
Lenders will vary on the types of project they will lend on hence some will not assist on the initial purchase of the land where others will allow funds for this purpose though it has to be said the more deposit you have the better the choice of lenders. Another area where lenders differ is the type of project as some only lend on a “flat “ plot of land where others will be happy to consider such projects as barn conversions etc. An important point to note is that no lender will release funds (other than for the initial purchase of land) unless full planning permission has been granted.
Another important point to consider is to who is going to manage and sign off each stage of the build, is it going to be architect supervised and what type of certificate will be available for the property at the end of the build, again here different lenders have different criteria so you need to be very clear on what you intend to do and how.
Costing the project and drawing up a schedule of works is both vital for your own finances and will influence the initial decision of the lender as to the viability of the project, some lenders will be happy to consider your own projected costings (subject to valuers approval) where others will require a professional person to have drawn these up. Either way it is vital that a contingency plan is in place to allow for any unforeseen costs such as delayed building times or a rise in the cost of materials.
Most lenders would look for (after the draw down of the first funds) the project to be started within the first year and be finished with two years however they do realise that every project is different so a degree of tolerance can be applied with the main issue being that the mortgage is paid on time.
Obviously most self build mortgages are carried out by applicants who intend to carry out the majority of the work themselves and of course the lenders understand and allow for this, though going back to a previous point you will need to consider what type of certificate you will need at the end of the build, this could be an NHBC or architect supervised build etc this needs to be planned in and run through the whole project and not be an unforeseen panic at the end of the build.
The above points cover the main basics of a self build mortgage and there are of course many other factors to take into careful consideration before embarking on such a project however as stated earlier self build mortgages can prove to be superb investment of both time and money, though again before deciding on any particular way forward it would be prudent to seek the advice of a self build mortgage specialist.

Payday Loan No Faxing: Instant Solution for Your Immediate Worries

When a person initiates his search for a borrowing, he expects to avail one which can fulfil his requirements in the shortest possible period. But the process of credit and the asset checks takes a long time. Under financial emergencies most of the prospective buyers are not in a position to wait till the lengthy procedure is over. So, in order to get quick approval of a small cash borrowing, the most suitable choice is a fast payday loans no faxing.Such instant loans can be utilised to fulfil any urgent need of the loan taker, which requires immediate attention. It is also helpful for people who cannot submit any documents due to some reason. As no documentation is needed for approval of payday loans no faxing, some basic information is required to be submitted online such as proof of age, regular source of income, bank account statement and other small bits of relevant details.With such loans, an amount in the range of ?100-?1500 can be availed for a period of 14-31 days, which has to be repaid by the next payday date. The rate of interest is a bit higher than the other borrowings available in the UK loan market. But still affordable rates can be availed through a proper research online. To get all these benefits and incentives to the maximum limit, online search for no fax payday loans is recommended. As the need is very urgent, these loans must be obtained as early as possible. All this can be easily done by applying online.There are various benefits of availing payday loans no faxing like:• No need of lengthy documents to be submitted through fax• Easiest approval and transfer of finance in just 24 hours• Repayment made very easy with automatic deduction of the amount from the customer's bank account• The loan can be extended over for another term in case the loan-availer fails to pay on the fixed date• Most suitable for bad credit holders as no documents are required to be submittedThese borrowings are a source of great respite for such people who are unable to submit documents. If you are also someone who is facing a similar problem, then go ahead and take payday loans no faxing. Such type of cash really props the economic prospects of the people without getting them involved in any sort of hassle born of documentation and other related procedures. The payday loans help the customers to pay their medical bills, cost of week-end holidaying, electricity bills, helping some friend on a very urgent basis, school fees, shopping, grocery bills, getting your vehicle serviced, credit card bills without the risk of being delayed.It is thus clear that payday loans no faxing are those swift money packages, which help the British citizens to fulfil their immediate money requirements without having to fall in the lengthy documentation process or putting their dignity at stake by requesting the near and dear ones for money.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Refinancing a Sign of Bad Calculation?

Is refinancing a sign of a bad mortgage calculation? When one make an attempt to refinance their mortgage they are making a point to adjust payments on a monthly basis to extend the terms of the payment and lower the monthly amount of the payments.
Refinancing can benefit the homeowner by allowing the home payments to be paid; refinancing can help the homeowner to maintain ownership of the home by avoiding foreclosure. Many times, the choices offered in refinancing are favourable towards the homeowner.
Refinancing a home can be done regardless of the amount that owes on the mortgage. Whether the homeowner has had their mortgage for one year, or for ten years – there are always refinancing offers available. Some mortgages allow for refinancing to occur every five to ten years as part of the clause.
There are many reasons that homeowners may feel the need to refinance their home. Sometimes, an increase in expenses means that home ownership becomes more expensive. This could happen for a variety of reasons; an illness, other medical problems, an increase in expenses or a job loss. Regardless of the reason, circumstances have the ability to change throughout the term of the mortgage.
So, for this reason – just because refinancing is necessary does not mean that the initial mortgage calculations were wrong, it merely means that there has been a change in circumstances. Many people associate refinancing with negative aspects, when really – it benefits the homeowner by maintaining ownership, and benefits the lending institution because the mortgage payments are not going to go into default.
How do you know when it is time to refinance your mortgage or home loan? First, the sign that it is essential to pay attention to the ability of the homeowner to pay the monthly mortgage payment. With the cuts in jobs and the confusing state of the economy – foreclosure is occurring more than ever! Did you know that foreclosure is occurring at higher rates than ever, but many of these foreclosures could have been avoided by contacting the lender to work out alternative payment schedules?
Foreclosure alternatives are counseled by professionals in their field. There are many alternatives to foreclosure: lowering the interest rate on the loan which can decrease the term, extending the loan over a longer period of time – stretching out the payments will decrease the amount of monthly fees due. Other methods of lowering the monthly payments are; creating a grace period for the homeowner, giving the homeowner time to catch up on the past-due payments.
Using these alternatives, including refinancing, means that more people will be able to keep their homes through the foreclosure crisis that is occurring at this very moment in the economy. Are you having troubles with your home and mortgage payments? Perhaps this could be the time to contact your lender to discuss refinancing options – As a responsible owner, you don’t want to risk the chance of losing one of the most important investments that one is going to make in their lifetime – their home!